In life, we either discover ourselves or lose ourselves but the good news is that it isn’t necessarily during our whole life. It really depends on the circumstances and les aléas de la vie.

As for me, as time goes by I know myself more and more, I understand myself better, however the more I find myself the more I get lost in myself. I am that title with a thousand sub-titles and in each sub-title has dozens of other sub sub-tittles. My story neither began when I was born nor when I was convinced, it started when my name was chosen… and my name is Houda Henniche.

I am currently based in Beirut but I was born and raised in Algiers. I see myself as an eternal student as I already have 4 university degrees. I am not bragging or accumulating diplomas but I am passionate about learning. My teachers have always been a source of inspiration and encouragement.

I am mostly enthusiastic about the contemporary Arab cultural platform and particularly the cultural exchange between intellectuals, artists and cultural actors within this region.


… and in the midst of chaos; out of nowhere a graceful butterfly glides delicately its way through, and puts a little hopeful smile on your faces

Smile, smile, smile and have a great sense of humor no matter what.

With love Tin-Hinan


This website is founded by Houda Henniche. All articles and images marked with « tin-hinan.com » on this site are protected. Their reproduction and exploitation are strictly forbidden without prior written agreement or without mentioning their source (their respective web addresses).

1 commentaire sur “1”

  1. Bonjour Tin-Hinan,
    Je t’adresse mes sincères félicitations pour le contenu intéressant de ton joli blog, qui peut te remplir d’une certaine fierté car elle est, je le sais, l’expression de ton style très personnel, le retour d’expériences de voyages accomplis qui témoignent de belles découvertes et de votre savoir vivre. J’espère que tes articles seront suivis de nombreux autres car d’une part, je trouve important qu’ils puissent être diffusés et connus et d’autre part, c’est une reconnaissance bien méritée de tes efforts. Ne vois pas en ces quelques lignes quelques louanges flatteuses, mais bien l’expression de mon sentiment sincère à l’égard du travail que tu as accompli. En tout cas encore bravo et bonne continuation. Avec mon meilleur souvenir, Tonton Khalid.

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